Pregnancy Care - Nurture Naturopathic Care, Drumheller, AB

Pregnancy Care

When you are pregnant, visits to the doctor can go by quickly or feel overwhelming.

Pregnancy Care (60 min appt)

If you would like to spend extra time with a provider to get in-depth information, ask questions, complain about pregnancy symptoms, learn ways to treat common things (like nausea, heart burn, headaches, muscle cramps, constipation, fatigue etc.), have the screening laboratory tests explained, discuss ways to optimize your pregnancy, be supported in making intervention decisions, get recommendations on safety of natural health products for use in pregnancy and lactation, get help managing complications that arise in pregnancy (high blood pressure, gestational diabetes), or prepare mentally, physically and emotionally for the addition of a new family member, then this is the visit for you.


Initial Pregnancy Care Visit (60 min appt) $120/*$60-120

Follow-up Pregnancy Care (30 min appt) $65/*$30-65

*sliding scale fees available.

+ Tap here for more information on Pregnancy Care services.

Pregnant people have tons of questions about their pregnancy and often times their visit to the doctor's office consists of measuring blood pressure, listening to the fetal heartbeat, measuring the uterus, and then they are sent on their way with plenty of unasked and unanswered questions.

To solve this problem, I offer comprehensive prenatal visits of longer duration (60 minutes) where we discuss in detail how minor complaints of pregnancy can be treated, how to prevent pregnancy complications, what the standard lab tests done in pregnancy look for (why they are done, what happens if they find something & how the conditions can be treated), and how to prepare for labor, delivery and postpartum.

Prenatal Lactation Class (60 min appt)

You are pregnant and you want to learn more about lactation and infant feeding before your baby arrives. 

Come get a one hour crash course in everything lactation!

I will answer any questions you have about lactation and infant feeding and will walk you through some basics like techniques for hand expressing colostrum (the first milk), infant hold positions for a good latch, alternative methods of feeding (cup, spoon), and more.

I will also provide you with resources to access at home so you feel confident in your abilities to feed your baby when the time comes.


1 hr (Private) Prenatal Lactation Prep Class $100/*$40-100

*sliding scale fees available.