lactation 101: $10-25 (sliding scale)

Join a small group of other parents-to-be for a 1.5 hour class on how to feed your baby.

This class is ideal for pregnant folks who want to be prepared with information, tips and tricks for making milk and getting it into your babe.

In this class we cover:

  • nutritional contents of human milk

  • strategies to promote healthy milk supply

  • techniques for successful latch and feeds

  • alternate methods of feeding a baby (cup, syringe, spoon, bottle)

  • how to collect milk before delivery

  • how to know when things are going well

  • how to know when to get support

    You will have the chance to ask questions, practice hands-on techniques, and will walk away feeling more confident and capable in your ability to meet your feeding goals.

heal your pelvic floor and core $100-160 (sliding scale)

This is a comprehensive class series to help you heal your pelvic floor and core.

This class series is ideal for anyone who struggles with pelvic floor symptoms (prolapse, pelvic heaviness, incontinence, pelvic/low back pain, period issues, constipation, etc.), those with separated abdominals, or for folks simply looking to prevent the development of those things!

A small group of us will meet 4 times over the course of two months. We will integrate a plan that builds each week with education, activities and rehab exercises so that after 2 months you feel balanced, strong and connected to your core and pelvic floor.

You will finish this course with fewer symptoms and will be armed with knowledge on how to maintain your pelvic health for years to come.

2023 OFFERINGS (register for ONE series):

SATURDAY SERIES - 9:30-11:30 am

Feb 25

Mar 11

Mar 25

Apr 8


Mar 31

Apr 14

Apr 28

May 12

Participants are eligible for discounted Pelvic Floor Initial Assessment visit with Pam - inquire about this option when registering for the course.

prenatal classes

A naturopathic spin on a traditional prenatal class…

Details to come