Pelvic Care - Nurture Naturopathic Care, Drumheller, AB

Pelvic Floor Care

feel proactive in your approach to pelvic health and hopeful about your ability to heal.

You’re looking for routine postpartum pelvic care (starting after 6 weeks postpartum) or you have a pelvic concern that you’ve been putting up with, ignoring, or believing is a "normal part of having a baby". If this is resonating with you, I want you to know that it is not normal to have prolonged pelvic or low back pain, to leak or dribble urine, or have a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis following pregnancy. These issues can usually be addressed with pelvic floor care, and if left untreated, they can worsen and lead to organ prolapse and urinary incontinence in the future. I can help! You should be able to sneeze without peeing. You should be able to sit, stand, exercise, sleep and have sex without pain. And you should be able to feel comfortable and confident in your amazing postpartum body. 


What is routine postpartum pelvic care?

Basically anyone who carries a pregnancy past 20 weeks gestation experiences changes to their pelvic floor as the hormones of pregnancy and changes to the pelvic organs put greater stress on the structures holding everything up (the pelvic floor). Pelvic floor care is a vital part of postpartum recovery, even if you are not having symptoms, because addressing symptoms before they arise is THE BEST way to maintain pelvic health! 

If you are a person experiencing pelvic symptoms or a person wanting to focus on preventative pelvic treatment, this is the visit for you.


Pelvic Floor Initial Assessment (75 min appt) $120/*$50-120

Pelvic Floor Treatment (30-40 min appt) $95/*$35-95

*sliding scale fees available.

+ More information on Pelvic Floor Assessments and Treatment:

Pelvic floor assessment and treatment is best accomplished using a comprehensive history questionnaire along with external and internal pelvic exams. This is how the muscles, organs, and connective tissue in the pelvis can be best examined and monitored for improvement.

During the internal pelvic exam I determine the strength and tone of the pelvic floor muscles, assess how well they are functioning together, and look for organ prolapse. Treatment recommendations are then individualized to you based on your unique needs. I recognize that internal pelvic exams are sensitive exams and I make every effort to honor each person who comes to me for services by taking a trauma-informed, body positive approach.

+ How to prepare for your Pelvic Floor Assessments and Treatment:

You will have intake paperwork to fill out before your first visit. Please be as detailed as possible. Once your history is reviewed in the office you will be asked to undress from the waist down. You will be draped with a sheet for as much privacy and comfort as possible during internal assessment/treatment. At all times you have the power to dictate what will or will not be done to your body, and you can choose to pause or stop treatment for any reason during the visit. Your comfort and consent are of upmost importance to me.