Why a sliding scale?

I offer this out of respect for people's financial circumstances and do so because I believe that every person should have access to these services regardless of their circumstances. I will not request proof of need for the sliding scale and will not change how my services are provided based on the fee being paid. Everyone will receive the same quality of care.

For those selecting sliding scale, please indicate the amount you will pay during the appointment booking process. You will be invoiced this amount at the end of the visit.

For those paying the standard rate, I want you to know that I have not inflated my prices to make up for the lower end of the scale. I have made every attempt to make my fee schedule honest and fair for anyone who wishes to see me as a provider. 

A note on fees:

*PAYMENT: Fees will be collected at the end of the visit with Debit, Credit or e-transfer (no cash or cheques at this time)


*INSURANCE: I do not direct bill insurance, but if you have a health spending account that includes naturopathic medicine (most do), you can submit your receipt for reimbursement.