Lactation Care - Nurture Naturopathic Care, Drumheller, AB

lactation care

feel relieved, encouraged and unconditionally supported in your feeding journey. 

Up to this point, if you lived in Drumheller and had an issue with lactation that could not be addressed by the public health nursing team or your family doctor, you would have had to hire someone from the city to come out to help you, or you would have had to drive yourself in to Calgary’s breastfeeding clinic. These are HUGE barriers, especially with a newborn!

To address these barriers, I offer extensive lactation support that is local, affordable and easy to schedule so that the hiccups you encounter feeding your baby can be addressed early, and so you can succeed with your feeding goals (whatever those are).

Lactation Initial Assessments & Feeding Plans

We will work together to identify goals for feeding (infant weight gain, establish milk supply, build supply to feed multiples, transition to work, etc.), identify barriers to these goals (tongue tie, poor latch, delayed milk production, illness, separation, etc.), and come up with a realistic feeding plan to help reach your goals.


Lactation Initial Assessment & Feeding Plan (60 min appt) $100/*$40-100

Follow-up Visit (30 min appt) $65/*$25-65

Home Visits FREE - $30 dependent on location

*sliding scale fees available.

+ How to prepare for your Lactation Initial Assessment & Feeding Plan appointment:

You will have intake paperwork to fill out for your first visit. Please be as detailed as possible. I know you're tired. I appreciate the effort.

At the visit I will observe you while you feed your baby so it helps if you plan to have the baby a bit hungry before our visit. If pumping, plan to also have your pump ready so I can assess the fit and effectiveness of the pump. I will check in 24-48 hours after our initial assessment via phone or text so see how things are going, answer any questions, and determine if follow-up support is needed.


Lactation Follow-up Appointments

This can be completed in-person or via tele-health. We will review your feeding plan, check-in on how your feeding goals are being met, monitor progress, review treatments, celebrate successes and determine if any further follow-up support or treatment is necessary.


Lactation Follow-up (30 min appt) $65/*$25-65

*sliding scale fees available.

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Lactation Home Visits

Leaving the house is a daunting task with a new baby, so I come to your home to offer you and your baby lactation care on the couch. Or in bed. Or on the deck. Wherever. It's your home, you decide!


Book your lactation visit and have the care delivered in your home for no additional fee if you are within 15 minutes of downtown Drumheller, and only $30 if you are within a 30 minute radius.

Visit Fee + FREE if within 15 minutes of downtown Drumheller
(Dalum, East Coulee, Nacmine, Rosedale, Munson)

Visit Fee + $30* if within 30 minute radius of Drumheller

*Further than 30 minutes away? Contact me to see if we can make arrangements.

+ How to prepare for your Home Visit Appointment:

Please know you don't have to clean up/tidy/be a host to me. I am honoured to offer care in your home, plus I have a giant dog and a toddler. I GET IT.
